TRISOMY test is carried out in one of the most state-of-the-art laboratory complexes in Slovakia and Central Europe – Medirex’ Central Laboratory located in Bratislava. The TRISOMY test methodology was developed by two young Slovak scientists, RNDr. Gabriel Minárik, PhD. and RNDr. Tomáš Szemes, PhD.

RNDr. Gabriel Minárik, PhD.

Dr. Minárik majored in molecular biology at the Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in 2000, obtaining his PhD degree in 2005. He is the author and co-author of 51 publications listed in the Current Contents database, which have been quoted 234 times. His Hirch index is 8.

Between 2001 and 2007, he provided Sanger sequencing services for prominent Slovak working groups and laboratories within the BITCET program as a specialist and a pioneer of the method. Today, he is one of the most experienced Slovak specialists in connection with this method.

Recently, he has been doing research in the area of mixed DNA/RNA samples applied in non-invasive prenatal DNA diagnostics, forensic practice and analysis of the human microbiome. At the same time he has been trying to introduce the new DNA sequencing methods in basic and applied research in Slovakia as part of the ASFEU project called Revogene.

RNDr. Tomáš Szemes, PhD.

Being an excellent student during his university studies, he was awarded the Comenius University Rector´s Award for his Diploma Thesis. He earned his PhD degree in 2010. He is the author and co-author of 29 publications listed in the Current Contents database, which have been quoted 141 times. His Hirch index is 7.

He runs a laboratory of genomics and bioinformatics. In addition to research, the laboratory also provides service sequence analyses using first-generation automated sequenators. He also participated in the creation of the genomic subunit within the BITCET project. His pedagogical activities are focused on the following subjects: computers in biology, bioinformatics, progressive methods in molecular biology, etc.

He has years of experience in the sphere of DNA-related issues. Within his research activities in the field of new DNA sequencing methods, he deals with non-invasive prenatal diagnostics and genome research into viruses.